WonderPen 内置支持简体中文、繁体中文、英语三种语言,你也可以自行添加自定义语言。今天带来的教程就是Mac写作工具WonderPen如何自定义语言。
要添加自定义义语言,可在【设置】面板 ->【通用】处,点击语言旁边的 +
# line starts with # is comment.
# a custom language must contAIn `_lang_name` and `_lang_key`.
# syntax:
# key: "value"
_lang_name: "Example Language"
_lang_key: "example_language"
_app_name: "妙笔"
about: "关于"
advanced: "高级"
alert: "警告"
are_you_sure: "确定要这么做么?当前操作无法撤销。"
auto_backup_notice: "1. 自动备份只保存文本,暂不保存图片等资源;\n2. 只会保留最近的备份,老的备份会被自动清除。"
auto_backup_on: "开启自动备份"
auto_indent: "自动缩进"
auto_lock_desc: "失去焦点超过以下时间后自动锁定"
background_opacity: "背景透明度"
backup: "备份"
backup_as: "备份为..."
backup_fAIl: "备份失败!"
backup_now: "立刻备份"
backup_success: "备份成功!"
board: "面板"
bottom: "下"
bring_all_to_front: "移至最前"
button_cancel: "取消"
button_ok: "确定"
buy: "购买"
cancel: "取消"
cant_export_as: "不支持此类型文件:"
cant_export_in_trash: "不能导出垃圾箱中的文档"
card_msg_1: ""
card_msg_2: "像树一样组织您的著作"
card_msg_3: "排除干扰,专注写作"
card_msg_4: "便捷导出"
chars: "字符:"
chars_include_children: "总:"
check_for_updates: "检查更新"
check_for_updates_found: "发现新版本(${0})!"
check_for_updates_not_found: "太棒了,你正在运行最新版本!"
clear: "清除"
clear_history: "清除历史记录"
clear_trash: "清空回收站"
close: "关闭"
collapse: "收起"
color: "色彩"
columns: "列"
confirm_delete: "确实要删除选中项吗?"
confirm_move_to_trashcan: "确实要将选中项目移到回收站吗?"
confirm_remove_backup: "确实要删除本条备份记录吗?"
confirm_remove_doc_permanently: "确定永久删除此文档么?"
confirm_title: "请确认"
confirm_trash_clear_msg: "确实要清空回收站么?"
confirm_trash_clear_title: "清空回收站"
contact: "联系我们"
content: "内容"
copied: "已复制。"
copied_to_clipboard: "图片已复制到剪贴板。"
copy: "复制"
copy_as_image: "复制为图片"
count: "总数"
create_table: "创建表格"
current_template: "当前模板"
cut: "剪切"
dark_mode: "夜间模式"
deactivate: "反激活"
deactivate_confirm: "确实要移除妙笔在本机的激活状态吗?"
deactivated: "反激活成功。"
default: "默认"
default_library_dir: "默认文档库"
delete: "删除"
delete_current_doc: "删除当前文档"
directory_detAIls: "目录详情"
disable: "禁用"
doc_nav: "文档内导航"
doc_nav_empty: "文档暂无目录"
doc_script_desc: "你可以为导出文档设置自定义脚本。"
doc_script_for_all: "脚本对所有导出生效"
doc_script_for_html_only: "脚本仅在导出为 HTML 格式时生效"
doc_script_warning: "警告:请勿在此输入来源不明或你不清楚用途的代码!"
doc_snapshot: "文档快照"
doc_style_desc: "在这儿,你可以为文档预览、导出时设置自定义样式。"
doc_style_replace_built_in: "替换内置样式"
doc_template: "文档模板"
doc_template_desc: "在这儿,你可以为新文档设置一个默认模板。"
down_doc: "下一个文档"
download: "下载"
edit: "编辑"
editor_background: "编辑器背景"
empty_backup_list: "暂无备份"
enable: "启用"
enter_compose_mode: "进入全屏专注模式"
error: "出错了"
every: "每"
every__minutes: "每 <> 分钟"
example: "示例"
expand: "展开"
experimental_function_inform: "这是一个实验功能"
export: "导出"
export_as: "导出为"
export_as_folder: "导出为文件夹"
export_as_single_file: "导出为单个文件"
export_done: "导出完成"
export_done_to: "已导出至:"
export_downloading: "下载中..."
export_fAIl: "导出失败"
export_sending: "正在提交任务"
export_server_done: "服务器导出完成 "
export_server_fAIl: "服务器失败"
export_text_only: "暂时只支持导出文本内容"
export_timeout: "导出超时"
export_try_later: "请稍后再试。"
export_try_net: "尝试在线导出服务?"
export_wAIting: "服务器处理中"
exportas: "导出为"
extension_name: "后缀名"
fAIl: "操作失败"
feedback: "意见反馈"
file: "文件"
fixed_scrolling: "固定滚动位置"
fixed_width: "固定宽度"
focus: "聚焦"
font: "字体"
font_editor: "编辑器字体"
font_size: "字体大小"
font_size_decrease: "字体减小"
font_size_increase: "字体增大"
font_size_reset: "重置字体为默认大小"
font_ui: "界面字体"
force_reload: "强制重新加载当前文档库"
full_width_spacer: "全角空格"
half_width_spacer: "半角空格"
help: "帮助"
hide: "隐藏"
hide_EOD: "隐藏文档结束标记"
hideothers: "隐藏其他"
highlight_active_line: "高亮当前行"
history: "历史记录"
history_bad_data: "快照数据损坏,无法查看。"
history_clear_confirm: "确定要清除当前文档的历史记录吗?"
history_clear_snapshots: "清除历史记录"
history_compare_with: "对比"
history_compare_with_current: "与当前版本对比"
history_filter_only_titled: "只看命名的记录"
history_for_doc: "文档快照"
history_for_doc_auto_snapshot: "文档自动保存快照"
history_latest: "最新"
history_no_change: "文档没有变化。"
history_restore_to_this_version: "还原到此版本"
history_save_snapshot: "保存快照"
history_view: "查看"
homepage: "主页"
html_is_minify: "HTML 压缩"
icon_book: "书籍"
icon_books: "书籍组"
icon_box: "箱子"
icon_character: "角色"
icon_date: "日期"
icon_doc: "文档"
icon_docs: "文档组"
icon_flag: "旗标"
icon_folder: "文件夹"
icon_star: "星标"
icon_survey: "调查"
icons: "图标"
image: "图片"
import: "导入"
import_custom_language: "导入自定义语言"
import_custom_language_err_bad_data: "自定义语言格式错误!"
import_custom_language_success: "语言 [${0}] 导入成功!"
import_text_files: "导入文本文件"
include_children: "包含子节点"
info: "信息"
info_create_at: "创建"
info_delete_at: "删除"
info_length: "字符"
info_update_at: "更新"
insert: "插入"
insert_br: "插入换行"
insert_image: "插入图片"
jump_to: "跳转至..."
language: "语言"
large: "大"
length: "长度"
library_dir_inform: "您的文档将被保存在文档库下。"
license_expiration_time: "授权到期时间"
license_key: "注册码"
license_key_invalid: "无效的注册码。"
licensed_to: "授权给"
line_break: "换行"
line_break_unix: "Unix 格式(LF)"
line_break_windows: "Windows 格式(CR + LF)"
line_height: "行间距"
lite_locked: "此功能需升级到完整版"
lock: "锁定"
lock_desc: "锁定软件界面可以防止他人无意中查看文档内容。"
matches: "匹配"
max_level: "最大层级:"
memo: "备注"
middle: "中"
minimize: "最小化"
minute: "分钟"
misc: "杂项"
move_doc_down: "下移文档"
move_doc_up: "上移文档"
move_to_trash: "移至回收站"
need_relaunch: "需要重启"
never: "永不"
new: "新建"
new_doc: "新建文档"
new_doc_above: "在上方新建文档"
new_doc_below: "在下方新建文档"
new_subdoc: "新建子文档"
next: "下一个"
next_doc: "前往后一个文档"
no_access: "没有权限!"
no_record: "没有记录"
normal: "正常"
notice: "注意"
off: "关闭"
on: "打开"
open: "打开"
open_dir: "打开文件夹"
open_library: "打开文档库"
open_or_create_library: "打开/创建文档库"
operations: "操作"
or: "或者"
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orientation_portrAIt: "纵向"
page_next: "下一页:"
page_prev: "上一页:"
page_size: "页面尺寸"
paragraph_spacing: "段落间距"
password: "密码"
paste: "粘贴"
permanent: "永久"
please_select_a_color: "请选择颜色"
please_select_an_image: "请选择一个图片"
please_wAIt: "请稍候..."
plugin: "插件"
preferences: "选项"
press_esc_to_exit: "按 [ESC] 键退出全屏"
previous: "上一个"
previous_doc: "返回前一个文档"
quit: "退出"
recent: "最近"
redo: "重做"
reformat: "格式优化"
register: "注册"
register_emAIl: "注册EmAIl"
register_expired: "您的授权已于 ${0} 过期。"
register_name: "注册名"
register_offline: "离线注册"
register_offline_client_info: "设备信息:"
register_offline_desc: "离线注册(如果你的电脑没有网络,可以点击这儿)"
register_offline_step_1: "第 1 步:在能连接网络的设备上,访问以下地址:"
register_offline_step_2: "第 2 步:根据页面提示,填入以下信息:"
register_offline_step_3: "第 3 步:在下方填入页面上生成的激活码:"
register_online: "在线注册(推荐)"
register_success: "注册成功,感谢您使用妙笔!"
reload: "重载"
remove: "删除"
remove_all: "全部清除"
remove_at: "删除于"
remove_permanently: "彻底删除"
rename: "重命名"
reset_panels: "重设面板"
restore: "还原"
restore_ensure: "确定要还原到 \"${0}\" 吗?"
restore_fAIl: "还原失败!"
restore_from: "还原自..."
restore_success: "还原成功!"
rows: "行"
save: "保存"
saved: "已保存。"
script: "脚本"
search: "搜索"
search_count_in_memo: "在备注中"
search_include_memo: "在备注中搜索"
search_next: "下一个"
search_placeholder: "搜索关键字"
search_previous: "上一个"
search_replace: "替换"
search_replace_all: "全部替换"
search_replace_placeholder: "替换为"
select_a_doc: "请选择一个文档"
select_an_image: "选择图片"
select_down_doc: "选中下一个文档"
select_up_doc: "选中上一个文档"
selectall: "全选"
server_error: "服务器错误……"
server_is_down: "服务器宕机了……"
set_as_default: "设为默认"
set_lock_password: "设置锁定密码"
show_clock_on_compose_mode: "专注模式下在状态栏显示时间"
show_example: "显示示例"
show_password: "显示密码"
size: "尺寸"
small: "小"
split_pane: "窗口切分"
start: "开始写作"
style: "样式"
subdoc_demote: "文档层级缩进"
subdoc_promote: "文档层级提升"
success: "成功"
tab_title_about: "关于"
tab_title_advanced: "高级"
tab_title_backup: "备份"
tab_title_content: "内容"
tab_title_general: "通用"
tab_title_lab: "实验室"
table: "表格"
thanks_for_using: "感谢使用妙笔!"
time: "时间"
time_format: "时间格式"
title: "标题"
to_select: "请选择..."
toggle_board: "切换面板"
toggle_compose_mode: "切换全屏专注模式"
toggle_dark_mode: "切换夜间/白天模式"
toggle_fixed_width: "切换固定/自适应宽度"
toggle_focus: "切换聚焦"
toggle_fullscreen: "切换全屏"
toggle_left_panel: "切换左侧边栏"
toggle_preview: "切换预览"
toggle_right_panel: "切换右侧边栏"
toggle_split_pane: "切换编辑器切分"
toggle_typewriter_mode: "切换打字机模式"
top: "上"
trash: "回收站"
trial: "试用"
trial_confirm: "要开始试用吗?(剩余 ${0} 天)"
type_docx: "Word(docx)"
type_html: "网页(HTML)"
type_image: "图片(PNG)"
type_pdf: "PDF"
type_text: "文本"
typewriter_mode: "打字机模式"
ui: "界面"
undo: "撤销"
unhide: "取消隐藏"
unknow_error: "未知错误"
unlock: "解锁"
unregistered: "未注册"
untitled: "未命名"
untitled_script: "未命名脚本"
untitled_style: "未命名样式"
untitled_template: "未命名模板"
up_doc: "上一个文档"
use_default_background_desc: "使用内置的背景样式。"
use_new_data_format: "使用新数据格式"
use_new_data_format_inform: "1.5 版开始将正式使用新数据格式"
verifying: "验证中..."
view: "视图"
view__a_file: "查看"
welcome_to_use: "欢迎使用${0}!"
width: "宽度"
window: "窗口"
words: "词:"
work_path: "文档库"
zoom: "缩放"
其中以 #
开头的行是注释,语言正文内容为 key: "value"
与 _lang_key